Welcome to IChing-Wisdom

IChing is one of the most widely read books of the Chinese Classics. The original author of IChing is unknown. It is quite likely that its content is inherited from a pre-historic divination text. But its text is full of inspiring life and social wisdom. The various scholars and influential people had interpreted IChing through many generations. The most authoritative annotated text was written by Confucius.


The basic element in IChing is a line which is either a solid line (Yang) or a broken line (Yin). There are eight 3-line patterns. Each pattern is called (Gua).


A hexagram is a pair of lower (inner) Gua and upper (outer) Gua. There are 64 combinations of 8 lower Gua and 8 upper Guas. Therefore IChing has 64 hexagrams. The IChing text describes the meaning of each hexagram. It starts with the overall meaning of the hexagram, followed by describing the meaning of each individual line from the bottom line to the top line. Each line stands for the different stages of the enquired thing with the bottom line representing the beginning stage and the top line means the final stage.

The hexagram feature in the IChing-Wisdom app displays a table listing all 64 hexagrams. You can click on a hexagram entry in the table to read the hexagram’s original text in Chinese and the interpreted text in English. The interpreted English is translated by the program author from digesting the excerpts of several Chinese IChing books.


IChing text is full of life-wisdom content. The consultation feature in the IChing-Wisdom app lets the user choose a category for consultation. The default category is overall trend category. An user can select her/his personality tendency for the chosen category from conservative to aggressive. The default personality is neutral. An user can also select the current environment regarding the chosen category from comfortable to difficult. The default environment is neutral. This app will filter to compile a proper subset of the hexagrams for the selected personality and the environment scales. Finally a hexagram will be chosen randomly from the filtered subset with the factors of the current day, hour, minute, and the spinning time. The user can read the quick summary and detail text of the chosen hexagram for a guidance of the enquired category. It is not the author’s intention to provide an astrological function for this app. A person’s life journey consists of up and down cycles and is full of some random events. The final hexagram is drawn randomly from the subset to reflect the randomness in a person's life. A lucky hexagram (a real life lucky event) might look good initially, but it is not necessarily a good thing overall and an unlucky hexagram (an unlucky life event) might turn out to have a good outcome in the end. The author believes that everyone should be more cautious and humble in a successful state and be strong to overcome the obstacles in a difficult time. The consultation feature is written to encourage the users to always think and act positively regardless of the uncertainty in life.


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Other Web Content

I Ching Internet Resources

I Ching / Book of Changes

Internet Sacred Text Archive: I Ching

Chinese Text Project: I Ching